BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — In the latest Guest Post entry, John Moran, a 28-year veteran of the carwash and detailing industry, discusses operational tools and procedures to run an effective car care business.
He explains that all car care professionals use physical tools to complete day-to-day operations. However, just as important, if not more, are the operational tools needed to maintain a productive business.
“Beyond the physical tools car care businesses have and use daily, how much thought is given to the tools used to train staff, standardize operations, improve efficiency, establish procedures, teach safety and define quality expectations? I would argue that these tools are just as important as the physical tools used every day — maybe even more so,” says Moran.
He continues, “If you look at any well-run business, systems are in place for managers and staff to guide them in day-to-day operations of the business. The tools can be as simple as a one-page checklist for opening a location in the morning to a two-inch binder filled with standard operating procedures covering everything from the opening procedures, to job descriptions, to handling damage claims, to disciplining employees and much, much more.”
Read the entire blog post on operational tools here.
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