Executive Interview: Q&A with Bob Fox
In this series, we catch up with market insiders on industry trends and issues.

Leading women in carwashing: Cori Rodgers
Rodgers is the general manager for Sonny’s Car Wash Services – Texas.

Leading women in carwashing: Isabel Garcia
Garcia is the Carwash College coordinator for Sonny’s the CarWash Factory.

Sonny’s Enterprises acquires CWT Services
TAMARAC, Fla. — CWT sells, installs and services equipment for tunnels, in-bay automatics and self-serves in Northern California and Nevada.
Sonny’s The CarWash Factory incorporates Genetec technology
MONTRÉAL, Canada — Advanced camera technology helps operators increase revenue and enhance the carwash experience.

The melting pot
The VP of Sonny’s CarWash College discusses welcoming new employees post-acquisition.

Signs of improvement
Updating your signage can lead to a huge ROI.

PC&D Unscripted ep. 78: Carwash Water Factors and Considerations
The founder of Sonny’s CarWash Water by Velocity discusses important trends surrounding carwash water.

Wash Talk ep. 127: Offering Free Vacuums
Amid rising costs, we wondered if free vacs for customers has a substantial ROI.
Free carwash vacuums are something for nothing
Customers are enjoying the freebie, but are operators and shareholders?

Setting realistic goals for your carwash
A market leader suggests not biting off more than you can chew.

Tightrope walking
Are you walking a tightrope and teetering to keep balance?