Online services help detailers streamline booking
GAINESVILLE, GA — New online services are available that simplify the booking process for small businesses.

NRCC breaks records in 2012
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ — The Northeast Regional Carwash Convention hosted its largest show floor ever with 255 exhibits.

Carwash helps keep Baltimore Orioles pride alive
SALISBURY, MD — Chad Hill, owner of University Car Wash, said he proudly displayed up-to-date pennant standings on the wash’s sign.

Staying focused
Remember the battle for business is fought in the minds of prospective customers. You’ve got to make your detail business stand head and shoulders above the competition.

Carwash’s c-store rebranding almost complete
O’FALLON, MO — A displaced Mobil On the Run store found a new home inside a carwash. Construction will soon be completed.

Charming pet owners at the carwash
Wash owners are always looking for new ways to bring in revenue, and one way to do so is through the family pet. However, it’s not enough to just build a pet wash at your location, the service must be promoted well or people will not use it.

Employees hit carwash with federal lawsuit
NEW YORK CITY — The lawsuit alleges owners did not pay minimum wage or overtime.

NASCAR Car Wash chain expanding to 17 washes
CHICAGO — The company plans to add 14 Midwest locations, and they have created a marketing division.

Humorous wash name started out as a joke
NORTH BABYLON, NY — A carwash owner finds the perfect business name during a back-and-forth brainstorming session with a friend.

Profile in Success: The value of taking your time
Learn how one carwash rookie discovered early success after using careful planning and thorough research.

Ryko Solutions announces Turtle Wax partnership
LAS VEGAS — Ryko Solutions Inc. will now offer owners the option of upgrading their chemicals to Turtle Wax products.

Leveraging social media marketing
Sites like Facebook and Twitter allow businesses to participate in helpful valuable dialogues with customers.