What's Working at Your Wash? - Professional Carwashing & Detailing

What’s Working at Your Wash?

This month's tip was brought about by a contest that CarWash College is currently holding.


This month’s tip was brought about by a contest that CarWash College is currently holding. We are giving away an Extreme Marketing Makeover with prizes and services totaling over $9,000.00. I have been reading the submissions for the contest before compiling them into the AutoLaundry folder – who will select the winner – and have seen huge disparities in the submissions.

Some locations desperately need help while other locations are doing a great job. This disparity got me to thinking, what are car wash locations doing that works well? Have you tried something lately that has been a huge success in either bringing in new customers or retaining current ones? Have you done a promotion that raised your average per car? If you have, I’d like to share it with fellow car-washers so send me a short note with what has worked for you! My contact information is listed at the end of the article.

If nothing springs to mind then perhaps this would be an opportune time to step back and review your marketing program. Do you even have one? If you do, is it working? Are you spending too little or too much? Are you communicating the right message to your customers? Often in tight economies, people cut costs by reducing marketing and advertising budgets. This is exactly opposite of what should happen. If the customer doesn’t know you exist how can they buy from you? And, if your competition has scaled back on marketing and advertising their site, then you should view that as an incentive to do more marketing and advertising. After all, the customer doesn’t know about them because they aren’t advertising.

I look forward to receiving your feedback on “What’s Working at Your Wash”! If you’d like to learn more and/or enter the Extreme Marketing Makeover contest visit www.CarWashCollege.com/win.

Robert Andre is the President of CarWash College™. Robert can be reached at [email protected]. For more information about CarWash College™ certification programs, visit www.CarWashCollege.com or call the registrar’s office at 1-866-492-7422.

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