Road concerns delay massive multi-profit carwash
HOLLAND, MI — Plans call for the Quality Car Wash location to have a c-store, gas station and fast food restaurant in addition to the carwash.

Newspaper readers vote on Topeka’s best detailer
TOPEKA, KS — The winner was recognized for having a great full-service offering and using the best equipment.

Carwash to replace closed restaurant
DELAND, FL — An unknown carwash operator purchased the property for $467,000.

Water restrictions prevent charity carwashes
HENRIETTA, TX — The third stage of a drought contingency plan here restricts driveway, charity washes.

Embattled wash owner encloses loud dryers
NEW YORK CITY — The blowers are now surrounded by multiple layers of insulation and a layer of wood after neighbors complained.

Carwash’s c-store rebranding almost complete
O’FALLON, MO — A displaced Mobil On the Run store found a new home inside a carwash. Construction will soon be completed.

After tornado, co-owner vows to rebuild
DEXTER, MI — The owners look to begin construction after a March storm completely destroyed this a carwash and Laundromat.

New technology draws in customers
CRYSTAL LAKE, IL — Survey numbers show that more and more drivers are choosing to use professional carwashes.

Hit-and-run vandals destroy a self-serve wash
CHATTANOOGA, TN — Vandals used their truck or SUV to leave a coin-operated carwash in shambles.

Profile in success: Lifestyles of the rich and sudsy
Owners’ commitment to cleanliness and customer service pulls unexpected cars into this bustling self-serve wash.

Marvelous modern controllers
Precise measurements and computer connectivity push tunnel profitability and increase efficiencies.

Do you keep a pet on-site at your business?
Sure, they’re cute, but they might scare customers if they’re not leashed or kept at a distance.