PC&D Unscripted 23: Updates from ICA
Eric Wulf, CEO of International Carwash Association, discusses what ICA did in 2020 to help carwash operators and what plans are for 2021.

PC&D Unscripted 22: Correcting micro scratches and swirl marks
Richard Reina from CARiD.com discusses common clear-coat issues and fixes.

PC&D Unscripted 21: COVID-19 insurance matters
Dan Tharp, vice president of business insurance lines for Pearl Insurance, discusses the pandemic’s impact on insurance coverage for carwashes.

PC&D Unscripted 20: Carwash real estate dynamics and opportunities
Jeff Lefko, executive vice president of Hanley Investment Group, discusses the real estate held by carwash operators.

PC&D Unscripted 19: The past, present and future of processing
Kevin Detrick, founder and president of Innovative Control Systems (ICS), discusses the changes in carwash customer processing.

PC&D Unscripted 18: Elevating carwashing user experiences
Sergio de Oliveira, DRB’s user experience design manager, discusses ways to enhance customer and employee user experiences.

PC&D Unscripted 17: Effective use of customer contact information
Jason Baumgartner, president of Suds Creative by DRB, explains what carwash owners are not doing that they should be.

PC&D Unscripted 16: Friction versus touchless
Larry McCarty, vice president of sales for Mark VII Equipment Inc., explains key differences between the two wash types.

PC&D Unscripted 15: Understanding different POS systems
David Kuchenski, DRB product manager, discusses the differences between cloud-based, hybrid-cloud and on-premise POS systems.

PC&D Unscripted 14: Defining and financing distressed carwashes
Dave Kotter, principal of Integrity Capital LLC, explains what distressed carwashes are and what opportunities are out there for buyers of these washes.

PC&D Unscripted 13: What’s New at Suds Creative
Jason Baumgartner, president of Suds Creative by DRB, gives us the inside scoop on the company’s current research and development efforts.

PC&D Unscripted 12: Private equity changing the carwash landscape
Harry Caruso of Car Wash Advisory discusses why carwashes are so attractive to private equity and the realities of entering the marketplace.