Few modern upgrades make more of an impact on patrons than the addition of foam arches and LED light shows. According to the experts, they are perhaps the most popular upgrades in today’s environment.
“Adding a foam bath/foam curtain arch with a new add-on service offers the opportunity to increase your revenue,” senior marketing manager for Zep Vehicle Care Inc. Mike Graceman affirms. “These arches apply either a foam curtain or a flow of large bubbles to the vehicle and are often accompanied by LED lights and visual graphics panels for consumer appeal.”
But foam arches do more than offer aesthetic appeal for your customers — they can also help save money.
Vehicle Wash Systems Inc. President Martin Geller explains, “The foaming arches and curtains today use compressed air to minimize the amount of water and soap used.”
However, there’s no doubt foam arches make a visual impact on customers, especially when combined with the excitement of LED lighting. Kipp Kofsky, president of Arcadian Services, says these LED light shows create better customer perception of the carwash experience.
Geller predicts these LED lights will be the next big thing in the industry. “I personally see the LED light shows with LED 144-watt multicolor lights along the arches in the tunnel to give the customer a ‘light show’ as they ride through” becoming increasingly popular in the immediate future, he states.
Even for wash owners not interested in the newer foaming arch/light show combination, arch updates are a worthwhile investment that will increase your bottom line.
“Newer arches offer better chemical coverage at leaner rates, which lowers the chemical cost per application,” Kofsky says. “There are also chemical pump systems that offer much more controlled water pressure ratings, which in turn allow for better controlled chemical applications and usage.”
Graceman points out these more precise dispensers are one of the upgrades key to saving money through efficiency.
“Precision dispensing systems can help reduce water and chemical costs, ensure consistent performance wash after wash, and are an effective way to dispense next generation super hyper concentrated chemistry, save space in your backroom and [require] less handling,” he says.
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