Simple and profitable extra services
Many detailers ponder whether they should add other cosmetic car care services to their business. The lure of additional revenues is attractive, but care must be taken when evaluating which

A wheel-cleaning case study
This case involves original clear-coated BMW wheels, with no chip or flaking problems, that have a heavy concentration of brake dust, as well as some road tar and paint.

Suppliers and auto dealers
You should look at those suppliers who can help you with running your business, giving you ideas on customers to contact and how to advertise, even providing advertising materials.

Staying focused
Remember the battle for business is fought in the minds of prospective customers. You’ve got to make your detail business stand head and shoulders above the competition.

Identifying your customers
Once you have identified your key customers, learn about them and figure out what they consider most important about having their vehicles detailed.

Success is in the details
As a successful detail business owner you know that the key to a successful detail lies in “attention to the details.” Part of this process includes proper prepping and careful cleaning.

Do you know how to identify your customers?
You have to make sure you identify your key customers and then find out what is important to them.

Can wax be put over a sealant?
Our detail editor, Bud Abraham, weighs in, and also shares which of the two he thinks is better in terms of durability.

How to outclass the competition
The death knell for any business is poor customer service. If you want to outdo your competition, you better outclass them with top service.

Where to find new customers
You can’t just sit back and wait for customers to come to you. Sometimes you have to market to certain areas to find new (and hopefully loyal) long-term clients.

Don’t be afraid to grow
Market research will help you target growing market niches and avoid stagnant or declining ones. For example, a stagnant niche might be the auto dealer.

Defining express carwashing and detailing
Now many full-service carwash operators are moving to the conveyorized express or exterior wash concept.