Carwashing vs. detailing
What are the basic differences between these two services?

PC&D Unscripted 22: Correcting micro scratches and swirl marks
Richard Reina from discusses common clear-coat issues and fixes.

Brighten up sales with headlight restoration
Shine a high beam on this additional profit center.

Wash Talk Ep. 48: Understanding Ceramic Coatings
Joe Labeots, research scientist at CSI-Lustra, discusses carwash chemistry, with a particular focus on protectants, including ceramic coatings.
Inside the December 2020 issue of PC&D
A look at some of the articles in our final issue of the year.

Express plus
The carwash concept of the future.

PC&D Unscripted 16: Friction versus touchless
Larry McCarty, vice president of sales for Mark VII Equipment Inc., explains key differences between the two wash types.

Wash Talk Ep. 44: Causes and Treatments for Micro Scratches
This audio reading of “Causes and treatments for micro scratches” discusses what causes micro scratches and how to treat them.
How to price auto detail services
Don’t sell price; sell need and value.

Wash Talk Ep. 32: Carwash Chemicals 101
This audio reading of “Carwash chemicals 101” covers the basics of the standard chemicals in the carwash industry.
The evolution of express detailing
A look at how the carwash industry spurred innovation in the detailing market.

Carwash Connection: Foam advances
AKRON, Ohio — Foam isn’t just for show.