Setting up for carwash success
Learn the process for planning and constructing a location that is built to win.

PC&D Unscripted 46: Chuck Howard’s Tips to Starting a Carwash
Chuck Howard, CEO of Howco Inc. and Autobell Car Wash, discusses planning for a new carwash.

Planning for the optimal vacuum system
Select a powerful, impressive vacuum system by asking the right questions.

Fortune favors boldness in branding
A standout appearance brings in more customers.

Wash Talk Ep. 80: The Basics of Carwash Site Design
This audio reading of “The basics of carwash site design” discusses what you need to consider when planning your carwash site.
Optimizing throughput to overcome carwash congestion
Steady pace with plenty of space wins the race.

Wash Talk Ep. 56: Un-risky Business
This audio reading of “Un-risky business” discusses site selection tips that go beyond “location, location, location.”
Risk tolerance
As carwash competition closes in, how will your business perform?

4 ways to reduce risk in site selection
Everyone knows it’s about “location, location, location,” but those are simply table stakes.

Q&A on the importance of a distributor
OPW Vehicle Wash Systems’ Mark Tentis explains how distributors are critical in determining site success.

PC&D Unscripted Ep. 10: The Potential of Compact Tunnel Carwashes
Pierre Leclercq, tunnel manager for Mark VII Equipment Inc., discusses the benefits and selling points of compact tunnels.

Demo permit filed for iconic carwash
SEATTLE — Elephant Car Wash has operated in the city since 1956 and it is now the subject of demolition.