Proper and effective site surveillance
New cameras are only as good as your entire surveillance plan.

Wash Talk Ep. 24: Keeping a Watchful Eye
This audio reading of “Keeping a watchful eye” discusses the top five benefits of having a surveillance system in place at a carwash.
Register now for two carwash webinars on June 18th
The Southwest Car Wash Association and Professional Carwashing & Detailing are each hosting a webinar about business opportunities during the pandemic.
Self-serve carwash app
The UWashApp will help carwash owners attract more customers, produce more revenue and expend less effort.

Wash Talk Ep. 17: Success Tips from United Auto Wash
Ron Carlson and Phil Marquart of United Auto Wash explain what has made their company become so successful.
Free detailing analytics solution during COVID-19
AUSTIN, Texas — Mobile Tech RX is offering its Analytics service free through May 1st.
The benefits of an online carwash menu
Help customers make important decisions before they visit.

Happy Holidays from PC&D
AKRON, Ohio — We have a gift for our readers this year — new digital offerings for 2020.

Market Focus: Kleen-Rite launches new website
This week, we cover a new website launch, a patent, a grand opening and new construction.

6 basic carwash marketing strategies
The best ideas to get your carwash marketing off to a roaring start.

Streamlining with sensors
Customizable tech solutions can usher in a new era of business success.

How to turn customer complaints into opportunities
How to exceed your customers’ expectations.