Infographic: Seven facts about LEDs
LEDs can provide a carwash with the ultimate combination of performance, ease of maintenance and long-term cost savings.

Seven ways to increase safety at your new carwash
Safety first, profits next.

Five factors of LEDs carwashes should keep in mind
Incorporating LEDs at the carwash can improve appearance and profits.

How LEDs can boost appearance and profits for carwashes
Improvements in LED technology can help carwashes improve their sites’ lighting and, possibly, their bottom lines.

How modern carwash signage attracts and informs customers
Site signage has seen its share of upgrades and improvements over the past decade.

IMO Car Wash reopens after major renovations
KING’S LYNN, England —IMO Car Wash’s location in King’s Lynn spent more than $227,000 on the renovations.

G&G LED expands operations
ALBANY, N.Y. — G&G LED’s new headquarters was selected to further the company’s expansion into new markets and enhance its manufacturing and R&D capabilities.

Building your business beyond curb appeal
Sensory carwash features can make or break customers’ experiences.

Lighting can impact liability and profits
Modern products can be functional and lucrative.

New express location launches in Jackson
JACKSON, Tenn. — After a few phone calls and an analysis on the population, traffic count and surrounding retail, the carwash owners settled on their hometown of Jackson.

Headlight restoration: Lighting the way
Clear headlights are important for visibility. Keep your customers safe with the proper restoration procedures.

Security technology to protect against carwash theft
While some carwashes overlook it, the right security system should be an integral part of any wash business.