Chasing the dream, not the competition
Thirty-three-year-old Brandon Burk boosts his career by trying to not focus on the competition.

The carwash business gets in your blood
Mark VII’s Larry McCarty shares sales success tips.

The difference between a leader and a boss
Meet Luke Schoenbeck, Mark VII’s new vice president of sales.

5 long-lasting benefits of carwashing
Regular carwashes create more value than just having a clean, dry and shiny car.

A partnership worth talking about: Mark VII and WashTec
Have you ever wondered how Mark VII and WashTec came to be partners? Mark VII’s CEO answers all your questions.

From laborer to executive
Five lessons Ray Rook learned in his journey to become vice president of supply chain for Mark VII Equipment.

7 reasons the carwash business is growing
The carwash business is already a multi-billion-dollar industry, so is there room for more growth? Absolutely.

The next generation is ready to roll
An entrepreneurial minded Florida teen has big carwash aspirations.

Choosing the best protective coating for your vehicle: Graphene vs. ceramic
Explore options in modern vehicle protectant technology.

How clean is your carwash?
Boost your profit potential with four simple checklists.

Start lifting clean with a fresh hydraulic system
How to keep a portable lift’s hydraulic system contaminant-free from day one.

Alignment isn’t just for cars
Portable lifts help keeps workers’ bodies aligned.