CarWash Safety 101 blog: Chemical safety
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Mike Benmosche discusses the recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on hydrofluoric acid (HF), which is a common ingredient in some carwash chemicals.

Safety considerations for chemicals
Be sure to read all chemical labels and avoid unwelcomed surprises.

CarWash Safety 101 blog: Preventing injuries at the wash
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Mike Benmosche discusses the importance of employee and customer safety procedures.

Prevent injuries at the wash
Safety is an ongoing process that requires constant analysis.

CarWash Safety 101 blog: Arc flash burns
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Mike Benmosche discusses the often violent results of arc flash, which can lead to serious injury, or even death, when someone is near.

The devastation of arc flash burns
The results are often violent and can lead to serious injury, or death, when someone is near.

CarWash Safety 101 blog: Ladder training
CORTLAND, N.Y. — Mike Benmosche discusses the importance of formal training for ladder safety.

Avoid accidents related to improper equipment maintenance
CORTLAND, N.Y. —Mike Benmosche explains what can happen when maintenance is not a regular part of a wash’s daily operations in CarWash Safety 101 with Mike Benmosche.

Friendly fire turns deadly
Regular maintenance and good housekeeping are critical to the safe operation of any carwash.

Equipment repair warning: Vital carwash safety tips
Make repairs correctly to extend the life of your conveyor.

Enforcement practices for employees
Promote the correct use of safety equipment to keep employees and your business safe.

It may be too late!
Exploring a proactive solution to insurance issues called claims management.