Sonny’s CarWash Chemistry by Diamond Shine is a formula for success. Our quality chemistry, six-step Fusion Process, full line of ceramics, and multiple other chemistry options provide the best possible car for your wash and profitable wash options. Diamond Shine is constantly developing new and innovative products and resources. We provide proven chemistry with consistent and unrivaled customer service. We work with customers to maximize business potential and profitability while producing the cleanest, driest, shiniest car.
Air Fresheners, Deodorizers, Bug Removers, Chemical Mixers, Chemicals, Detergents & Soaps, Concrete Floor Cleaners, Degreasers, Detergents/Soaps, Fragrances, Glass Cleaners, Hydraulic Fluid, Hydraulic Systems, Protectants, Pumping Stations, Rust Inhibitors, Scale Removers, Shampoo, Upholstery & Carpet, Tire Cleaner Applicators, Tire Cleaner Chemicals, Tunnel Cleaners, Waxes, Wheel Washers, Whitewall Cleaners
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